Saturday, January 28, 2012

CPIM 20th Party Congress Draft Political Resolution released

The draft political resolution to be placed for the forthcoming 20th Party congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) was released on Saturday at the Party headquarters in Delhi. The resolution will be  debated within all ranks of the CPI(M). Each and every party member can send amendments to the resolution till March 15th. The draft would be finally adopted at the party congress to be held in Kozhikode from April 4-9.  Com Prakash Karat, General Secretary of CPIM said while releasing the resolution, the central focus now would be on strengthening the party and stepping up its independent role. The resolution focus on building Left unity and project a Left and democratic alternative to counter the Congress and the BJP. CPIM P B Members Com. Sitharam Yechury and Com. K Varadarajan was also present during the ocassion.

For the full text of the Draft Political Resolution

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