Saturday, December 20, 2014

CPIM Madhya Pradesh State Conference

Com. Badal Saroj
CPIM  Madhya Pradesh State Conference ahead if 21st party congress to be held in April 2015 was successufully held at Annupur.  Total 244 delegates participated in the 3 day conference. Conference was Inaugurated by Com. Brinda Karat and concluded with the speech of Com. K. Varadrajan. Conference also gave a call to launch a vigorous and militant struggle of the working people.
Conference elected 30 member State Committee which reelected Com. Badal Saroj as its secretary with 9 members Secretariat. Com Brinda Karat gave A clarion call to mobilise people against the twin attack of neo-liberal economic policies and communalism posed by Modi Govt. at center and Shivraj Chauhan Govt. in the State .