The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) expresses its strong resentment and condemnation to the vicious and murderous terrorist war that the government of Israel has been waging on the people of Gaza and on the Arab-Palestinian People at large in the last few days. Similarly, the CPI clearly and unequivocally rebukes the bombarding of Israeli civilians by Hamas and other organizations in Gaza Strip. In our view, such attacks are not only reprehensible but also counterproductive to the Palestinian cause itself, namely its just and legitimate aspiration to establish an independent state alongside the state of Israel, whose capital is East Jerusalem, on the borders of June 4th, 1967.
Despite our denunciation of any assault on
population, the CPI emphasizes that the responsible for the current
escalation and bloodshed is the government of Israel – its continuous
rejection of any prospect for just peace, the massive killings and
destruction it inflicts on Gaza, its total indifference for Palestinian
life and wellbeing, and, above all, its everlasting deepening of Israeli
occupation and colonization of the West Bank and East Jerusalem
together with the inhuman blockade of Gaza.
As the CPI warned already a month ago, the real motivation of
Netanyahu’s administration was never to achieve security for the people
of Israel but solely to obstruct the Palestinian unity government and
absolve itself from responsibility for the failure of the peace
negotiations. We should now add that the present assault on Gaza also
serves the Israeli government in yet another two ways: (1) it
reconsolidates Netanyahu’s coalition in times of domestic unrest, hence
helps Netanyahu in keeping his criminal government intact, and (2) it
puts all questions of poverty, inequality, racism, sexism, and
discrimination off the table, and marginalizes all struggles for social
justice and democracy.
Everybody knows now that Netanyahu and his co-bullies in the
government and the military were aware that the three young settlers
were murdered on the very first day they were kidnapped. What was the
cause of Israeli invasion and mass arrests in the West Bank if not to
set the whole region in fire and promote the said goals?
The CPI reaffirms its last message and reemphasizes that the larger
and most dangerous terrorism is the Israeli Occupation and all of its
consequences and accompanying war crimes, including the separation wall,
the siege and the colonial Settlements complex. History teaches us that
every occupation begets the resistance of the occupied people. The
international law guarantees the occupied people the right to resist the
occupation by using legitimate means in its rightful struggle. The CPI
reemphasizes its principled position against attacking civilians, and
especially minors.
The CPI calls on progressive movements, human rights
organizations, and all states worldwide, to organize events in
solidarity with the Palestinian people, calling on the Israeli
government to immediately cease the aggression against Gaza Strip and to
halt its war crimes, and on Israeli government and Palestinian
organizations alike to refrain from any attack on civilians.
No to War Crimes! No to Attack on Civilians! Lift Gaza Blockade! Down with the Occupation!