Wednesday, April 29, 2009

President Rafael Correa Consolidates Revolution in Ecuador

Quito, April 27 — The re-election of Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa in Sunday’s election is an example of the people’s support for change in the country.

While not yet official, the election results confirm survey findings: Correa would win in the first round. A rapid recount by the Participación Ciudadana nongovernmental organization, with 71.5% of the votes counted, places Correa of the Movimiento Alianza País in first place with 51.7%, and Lucio Gutiérrez of the Partido Sociedad Patriótica second, with 28.4% of the vote, EFE reports.

These figures motivated Correa, leader of the Alianza Pais Movement, to announce his victory in the first round of the general elections, characterized as historic in the South American nation. No other candidate has won in the first electoral round since 1976. The triumph allows Correa to govern until 2013.

For the Head of State, this was an “overwhelming victory” and committed himself in advancing in his Citizen’s Revolution in favor of the poor in Ecuador who, said Correa, “we will never deceive”.

In his opinion, these elections are an example that the population supports reforms in the country in “order to advance in the construction of 21st Century Socialism”.

President Rafael Correa surpassed the hardships and once again buried the traditional parties and representatives that inflicted political instability in the past.

Correa’s victory strengthens his policy against the US imposed Free Trade Agreement, US presence the Manta military base and free trade.

It consolidates Latin American integration, the diversification of socio economic relations with the nations to the South.

Correa stressed that “the Revolution is underway and nothing will stop it, the majority voted for a better future”.

(COURTESY : Granma)

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