Thursday, April 30, 2009

First May Day In India

"There will come a time when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you strangle today!"

August Spies
Haymarket Martyr

Although internationally, mainly in the West, observance of May Day began in the year 1890, its observance in India started at a much later. Labour movement itself began in India much later than that in the west european countries and the USA because of extremely delayed growth of industries in colonial India. In 1889 whe the world socialist leaders met in Paris and formed the Second International and on that occassion called upon the working class to observe May Day Internationally, they did it from an ardent international outlook. Even though Western newspapers and certain Indian newspapers published the news of Haymarket tragedy and execution of the May Day heroes, hardy anybody in India at that time had that extent of political and social awareness as to grasp the significance of those events.
May Day with all its revelutionaly significance was first observed in India in 1923. The AITUC was formed in 1920 and along with the formation of the emigre Communist Party in the same year, Some Communit groups were formed in India. Even the AITUC did not call for May Day observance before 1927. But itall goes to the credit of revolutionary spirit of Singaravelu Chettiar that he took the first individual initiative in organizing May Day Rally in Madras in 1923. Singaravelu chettiar was one of the earlies believers in Marxism. He formed Hindustan Labour Kisan Party in 1923, correspondance with M N Roy, who was in charge of emigre Communist party contributed to the formation. He also published Labour Kisan Gazette and Thozilalan wwekly. He was also arrested in the Kanpur Bolshevik Conspiracy Case of 1924.
The Hindu published from Madras covered the news of May Day celebreations. According to the report 2 may day meetings were held in Madras - one presided over by Singaravelu chettiar aa the beach opp. High Court and the other at Triplicane beach presided over by S Krishnaswamy Sarma. Hindu reported there was an enthusiastic gathering of labourers. The Hindu summed up Sigaravelu's speech of the May day meeting at Madras sea beach in the following words:
M Singaravelu Chettiar in explaining the significance of the day, said that the 1st May was a sacred day for the worlkers all over the world. The labourers in India also should celebrate the day ina amanner befitting their position and signify their coopration with their comrades in other parts of theglobe and also lay the foundation stone of a laboru office so that inthe years to come it might attain its full growth and be a source of strenght othe suffering labourers in this coutnry. It should also make them realise that they belonged to one class...Further the party aimed at the solidarity of labour for a common end. In the natural process of evolution labour would ultimately wield power after putting forth a great struggle.

Singaravelu also hoisted red flag in his residence on that day. However after this first inidvidual effort by Singaravelu to observe May Day, in some other centres also May Day was observed subsequently on the basis of local efforts.

Source : May Day and 'Eight Hours' Struggle in India" by Sukomal Sen

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